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Intensive outpatient treatment

The New Paradigm Recovery Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program treats substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders. The Intensive Outpatient level of care delivers at least nine hours of treatment per week. These hours consist of group therapy and individual therapy sessions. Because New Paradigm Recovery provides highly personalized services, our Intensive Outpatient Program clients receive significantly more individualized care than they would in other programs. We believe in surrounding clients with supportive services to address a broad range of behavioral health and lifestyle issues. While nine hours of care is the minimum our clients often spend more hours working with care team members, in group therapy sessions, or working on family system issues.

The Intensive Outpatient Program offers daytime and evening group sessions to make treatment schedules convenient and accessible. Many of our clients balance careers, parenting and families, and academic obligations with treatment. Private psychotherapy sessions are arranged based on client and clinician availability. 

Intensive Outpatient Clinical Focus

Our Intensive Outpatient Program makes life-wide change by addressing mind, body, and spirit. We shape care plans to each client’s medical, addiction, and trauma histories. Additionally, we consider relationship and family status, legal, professional and academic needs, overall wellness, and aspirations. 

The basis of our programming is rooted in high-quality, evidence-based addiction medicine. Our expert approach coordinates recovery-informed psychiatry, psychotherapy, family system work, and trauma treatment. 

Our experienced, licensed therapists use numerous modes of treatment, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Motivaltional Interviewing, EMDR, Gestalt Therapies, and more. New Paradigm team members are also highly experienced practitioners of somatic experiencing and polyvagal self-regulation approaches. They practice gender-responsive and trauma-informed care, and have trained with the nation’s leading experts in their respective specialties. While multidisciplinary therapists with deep skillsets are beneficial, it is their ability to create strong, informed, and supportive alliances with each client and family system that produces the best long-term outcomes.

Integrated psychiatric services offer medical diagnosis, assessment, testing, and proscribing to achieve a safe and optimal medication plan when indicated. Psychiatry can significantly and quickly improve the quality of life by reducing the debilitating symptoms of mental health conditions and other underlying medical problems. Medications can also drastically reduce cravings for alcohol and non-prescribed or illicit substances. Psychiatric providers and other specialized medical providers can also indicate beneficial nutritional and dietary regimens to address the longstanding malnutrition and other physical side effects of long-term problematic alcohol and substance use.

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