Group Therapy heroin addiction treatment

Boost Your Mental Health with Group Therapy at New Paradigm Recovery

Group therapy can be a highly effective form of mental healthcare

While individual psychotherapy may be the first thing that comes to mind when people think of mental healthcare, group therapy can also be highly effective. New Paradigm Recovery’s outpatient mental health program emphasizes individual therapy but offers group therapy to deliver specific benefits. The primary advantage of group therapy is the group dynamic — observing and learning from peers’ views, experiences, and interpretations. For some people, these sessions are the first opportunity to meet people experiencing similar mental health conditions — an experience that can be extremely comforting and destigmatizing.

What is group therapy like?

At New Paradigm Recovery, at least one therapist supervises group mental healthcare sessions. Groups meet in our larger group room, and participants sit comfortably in a small circle of chairs facing one another. The therapist usually sits among the group or stands occasionally if writing on a whiteboard or otherwise providing instruction. If groups are focused on meditation, mindfulness, yoga, or movement, participants may use yoga mats on the floor.

Group is a safe and supportive space for all participants, and it is the therapist’s job to ensure a positive therapeutic environment. At New Paradigm Recovery, clients who would benefit from group work are thoughtfully selected, and groups are kept small to improve participant comfort and afford ample time for each person to contribute and ask questions.

Like all medical care, client identity is protected during group therapy. However, clients who meet in group therapy sessions sometimes exchange information and develop supportive relationships outside of the therapeutic environment.

How often do groups meet?

New Paradigm Recovery group therapy sessions usually happen weekly and at a set time. Efforts are made to set a mutually convenient time for clients and clinicians that works for people managing family, career, and school obligations. Most group sessions take place on weekday evenings.

New Paradigm Recovery group topic examples

Our selection of therapeutic groups is constantly evolving to keep up with the needs of our clients. As new challenges arise and recovery trends shift, we regularly introduce new groups that offer the most effective and relevant support. This ensures that our clients receive the best care possible, whether they attend sessions virtually or in person. Our groups create supportive, therapeutic environments that foster long-term recovery for every individual and family we serve.

At New Paradigm Recovery, we have offered a variety of therapeutic groups designed to support individuals throughout their recovery journey. The Emotional Sobriety Group has provided a space for participants to manage emotions and develop healthy coping strategies. The Women’s Group has focused on addressing the specific challenges women face in recovery, offering a supportive environment for growth. The Families in Recovery Group has helped families understand addiction and work through recovery together, strengthening relationships. These groups have been available both online and in person, giving clients the flexibility to choose what works best for them.