national minority mental health month new paradigm recovery addiction dual diagnosis virginia dc articles

Addiction Treatment Resistance

Understanding and Addressing Treatment Resistance in Addiction Recovery When someone we love is struggling with addiction and finally seeks treatment, it might feel like the clouds are finally parting, the rain is letting up, and there are sunny skies on the horizon. Unfortunately, for many individuals, the first try at addiction treatment does not necessarily […]

From Our Leaders

New Paradigm Recovery’s Leaders Speak About its Unique and Comprehensive Program Hear New Paradigm Recovery founders and clinicians discuss this unique program and explain why it was developed, whom it serves, and some of the reasons it excels at meeting a range of comprehensive client needs. New Paradigm Recovery founders and leaders discuss the program’s […]

Childhood Trauma in Washington, DC

Examining its Alarming Prevalence and Lasting Consequences Washington, DC has a childhood trauma problem. As DC MAP (Mental Health Access in Pediatrics) reported in September, “nearly 23 percent of children aged 0-17 experience two or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or traumas” in DC. This can impact their overall health outcomes and well-being. “ACEs can […]