Psychotherapy addiction IOP northern VA


New Paradigm Recovery psychologists offer expert psychotherapy to address mental health disorders for residents of Northern Virginia and the Washington, DC, area.

Psychotherapy is the central evidence-based treatment for most mental health conditions. The practice of psychotherapy happens in individual or group settings and typically entails a therapist having a structured discussion one-on-one with a client or moderating a group session to achieve specific clinical goals. New Paradigm Recovery psychotherapists are highly trained, skilled, and licensed providers experienced in helping individuals and families understand and address a range of mental health disorders. When it comes to treating mental health conditions with psychotherapy, one size does not fit all. Approaches to psychotherapy and the tools and methods used to treat mental health diagnoses vary from client to client, depending on various factors. Experienced clinicians tend to excel in quickly identifying client needs and determining which therapeutic interventions will work best to help each client.

What to expect from psychotherapy

Psychotherapy has been misportrayed by popular culture and leads some to believe it consists of lying on a couch in a dimly lit room, divulging one’s deepest secrets and fears to a relative stranger. In fact, psychotherapy is typically an active and highly structured discourse between an engaged client and a highly attuned and directive psychotherapist. Individual psychotherapy sessions occur in a comfortable, private clinical office conducive to a peaceful yet productive environment. Professional clinical offices employ sound dampening and noise generators to ensure client privacy. Therapists sometimes take written notes during a session to note insights and ideas they may wish to revisit with clients later. Rapport is one of the most important aspects of a therapeutic relationship. Therapists want to develop a highly trusting and open relationship where clients feel comfortable disclosing important information and sharing ideas. The more comfortable clients feel with therapists, the more likely therapy is to be successful. For this reason, many people find that they enjoy the relationship with their therapist despite doing work that can be challenging.

Psychotherapeutic modalities

Numerous psychotherapeutic modalities (or methods) have been proven effective through clinical trials and real-world use and study. Experienced psychologists may be trained in numerous psychotherapeutic modalities (types of psychotherapy) as each addresses different needs, and clients may be more receptive to certain modalities.

Some of the psychotherapies used at New Paradigm Recovery include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    • CBT is a form of psychotherapy used to treat various conditions, including depression, anxiety, relational disorders, addictive disorders, and more. CBT is based on the concept that humans can develop maladaptive responses to thoughts and stimuli and that they can learn to respond differently to these damaging perceptions. CBT often teaches specific skills and techniques that help people process thoughts differently and to reduce symptoms of their conditions. According to the American Psychological Association, CBT has been proven highly effective. It
    • Mindfulness CBT (MCBT) combines CBT with mindfulness and meditation practice to help clients develop more ways to reduce the symptoms of conditions like depression and anxiety. A growing emphasis on the value of mindfulness within the mental health field is a testament to its efficacy and far-reaching benefits.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
    • DBT is a highly effective therapy that helps people accept and manage difficult feelings. DBT is often used to treat anxiety and mood disorders and is especially effective at treating suicidality. The four DBT skills are mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotional regulation. Essentially, DBT is a change-based approach that helps people learn to accept their negative emotions and thoughts and alter their responses to them by adapting their behaviors.
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
    • MI stimulates one’s desire to change. Most people naturally resist change in many aspects of life. When it comes to people with mental health conditions, the idea of change can be especially scary. Motivational Interviewing relies on a strong basis of trust between clinician and client and a systemic approach to helping people recognize the value and potential benefits of changing various aspects of their lives, engaging in treatment or other beneficial activities, and simultaneously recognizing the difficulty of embracing change. Our clinical team is highly adept at building open and trusting relationships with clients that can help make MI and other therapies more effective.
  • Gestalt Therapy
    • The premise of Gestalt Therapy is to spend more time in and being aware of the present moment. Learning to be present and experience the feelings and emotions of one’s current state of being can help to reduce ruminations and negative thoughts related to past and future events to experience less guilt, shame, and fear.
  • Psychanalysis
    • Psychoanalysis is one of the longest-lived psychotherapeutic modalities and stems from the Freudian idea that people are affected by unconscious or suppressed thoughts and memories and that relief can be achieved by identifying and processing them. Unlike other modern modalities, psychoanalysis may take longer and involve delving into early childhood experiences, relationships, and dreams. New Paradigm Recovery Clinical Director Cindy Sample is an exceptionally experienced psychoanalyst.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
    • EMDR is a leading evidence-based trauma therapy that uses eye movements and therapist-guided review of past traumatic events to change how memories are stored. EMDR helps people process traumatic events and reduce the debilitating effects of unaddressed trauma, including an inability to connect with one’s emotions, hypervigilance, anger, and suicidality.

These are some therapeutic modalities employed by New Paradigm Recovery, but additional tools are available, and clinicians utilize a combination of therapies to meet client needs.